211 Alberta
Helps Albertans find the right resource or service for whatever issue they need help with, at the right time. 211 is available 24/7 by phone, text and chat. The service is free, confidential and available in over 170 languages over the phone.
Access 24/7
Adult addiction and mental health services in Edmonton where patients can access: interventions and treatment; support and navigation services; crisis outreach; information; assessment; and referrals.
CMHA Distress Line
The Distress Line is available 24/7 for those in crisis or distress or those supporting someone who is. We provide confidential, judgment-free, short-term crisis intervention, emotional support and resources to people in crisis or distress.
Crisis Diversion Team
The 24/7 Crisis Diversion program contributes to addressing issues of poverty, mental health and addiction by helping people in crisis connect with the best available resources to support their needs.